It would be our privilege
to work with you
For almost two decades, SL Communications has had the privilege to work with leading companies from over 20 countries in a multitude of business verticals including entertainment, sound reinforcement, fashion, cosmetics, culinary accessories, hospitality, food service, interior design, pharmaceuticals, veterinarian science, manufacturing, translation and cultural services. Here is a selection of endorsements from SL Communications clients.
“Sabrina will always remain by your side until you have achieved your set goals. She has always a solution, solves every last minute request and no matter what happens she’ll get it done – her team is amazing and she runs a tight ship.”
— Production manager
“Il paradosso di questi giorni è il contatto, in un mondo intriso di velocità, 5G, tecnologia, tutto si muove ad una velocità non propria del ritmo umano ed il rischio è quello di smarrire il focus ed il contatto. Da anni, focus e contatto sono state le peculiarità di SL Communications, sono grato di averli incontrati!”
— CEO/head of sales and marketing B2B marketing
“I cannot recommend Sabrina Leggio/SL Communications enough. To put it plainly, Sabrina is an absolute angel. No matter the event or location, she is beyond prepared and extremely knowledgeable. She goes above and beyond any company I have worked with in the past. She and her staff are exceedingly professional, skilled, talented, and dependable. To say that she is a pleasure to work with would be an understatement. She has made my job so much easier and my events would not be the success they are without her. I cannot imagine handling a large event without her help - and you should not either!”
— Trade shows and project management, Pro Audio
“The paradox these days is connections. In a world of speed, 5G etc. everything moves beyond human rhythm, and the risk is to loose focus and connections. For years, focus and connection has been the specialty of SL Communications, so happy to have worked with them!”
— CEO/head of sales and marketing B2B marketing
“Trade show exhibiting can be a little overwhelming, expectations are high when conference doors open. Attendees are ready to be inspired and our pro audio community comes together. Partnering with SL Communications ensures that everyone gets what they need. We like to create experiences and SL Communications helps us to deliver. I really can’t recommend them highly enough!”
— Head of marketing
“First of all I would like to use the opportunity to thank Sabrina. It was a tremendous pleasure and honor working for and together with her. For the ISE Amsterdam 2020 she asked me to work together on a rather large project, which I have never been part of before and hereby she gave me the chance to learn a lot and discover things I didn’t know about myself.
And this is one of Sabrina’s versatile talents, seeing others’ potential for something even when they are completely unaware of it. She trusts her intuition and her knowledge of human nature, the person in front of her, their capability and encourages and supports them by the tasks she is giving them.
So it comes naturally that she has a good hand in personnel management, at picking people and putting teams together when some of her clients request such a team. She builds them in a way that everyone is at the right spot and can reach his or her highest potential and surpass oneself, so the client receives the most optimal outcome and a perfect package.”
— Performing Arts, Singer Dancer Choreographer
“During a show I was given the possibility to experience and observe Sabrina in different situations and functions. And it is incredible to see with how much passion she does her job and how effortlessly she switches from being the boss to being the bartender or the saleswoman. It totally doesn’t matter what the task might be or where help is needed, she will jump in and do what has to be done with her Italian charm and humor. Thanks to her outstanding talent in organization and keeping the total overview at any time, quick decisions can be made. Her knowledge and experience are so diversified that she is able to decide quickly what has to be done. Outcome-oriented working is significant for her, same as her assertiveness. All these points lead to the conclusion that Sabrina is the perfect choice either as a boss or as an employee. And besides all those aspects that might picture her as tough and business oriented, she also has a lot of esprit and is a lovely, supporting and loyal partner.”
— Designer, Fashion
“I began working with Sabrina and her team a number of years ago. As head of our international business we would often have our colleagues come to the U.S. from abroad. Being in a foreign country that you are unfamiliar with can be a bit overwhelming.
Utilizing the team at SL Communications, we were able to provide a deeper connection with our partners by having a team on hand who could assist our partners in multiple languages. It may seem like a little thing, but all of our partners were so touched by the care Sabrina and her team took for them. To be able to be understood and to have the cultural sensitivity and appreciation made our guests feel welcomed and cared for.
If you are looking for a company who truly understands the meaning of delivering an exceptional customer experience, you’ve come to the right place.”
— Head of global sales, AV industry
“La Sig.ra Sabrina Leggio , ha un rapporto di lavoro con la nostra società in ambito di fiere internazionali a partire dall’ anno 2000. In questi anni ha dimostrato una grande propensione sia in ambito di crescita personale che professionale. Nell’ ambito fieristico in particolare ha acquisito capacita’ gestionale indipendente in tutti gli aspetti a partire dall’ allestimento dello stand al rapporto con i nostri clienti. Si è sempre dimostrata persona seria e puntuale , ha sempre garantito la privacy della nostra azienda. Ha una forte capacità gestionale dei colleghi.”
— Owner &CEO, interior design and kitchen utensils
“Je connais Sabrina depuis de nombreuses années et j’ai toujours été très heureux de collaborer avec elle. C’est une pure assurance tous risques. Efficace, précise, organisée, haute énergie et motivation maximum.
Elle est tout simplement rassurante et sa capacité à parler de nombreuses langues lui permet d’intégrer et comprendre immédiatement toutes les subtilités de l’environnement dans lequel elle va exercer ses talents. Elle a un don pour relier les gens et les mettre en confiance. Elle apporte souvent les réponses avant que les questions ne soient posées.
Je voudrais continuer à travailler avec elle aussi longtemps que possible.”
— Founder and president, Pro AV, large scale events & productions
“Con Sabrina, SL Communications, hai la certezza che qualunque evento andrà bene e non ci saranno problemi che lei non sappia sistemare prima che siano visibili.
Durante le varie fiere di Francoforte ed Amsterdam ho avuto la possibilità di sperimentare e osservare Sabrina in diverse situazioni e funzioni.
E’ evidente che fa il suo lavoro con passione e dedizione, all’occorrenza passa dall'essere il capo a fare da barista o cameriera con una disinvoltura e facilità unica. Dove è necessario un aiuto, lei è presente, e farà ciò che deve essere fatto con il suo fascino italiano.
Un talento innato nell'organizzazione e nel mantenere la visione d'insieme in qualsiasi momento.
Si contraddistingue per l’atmosfera che riesce a creare ed anche nei momenti più complicati con clienti da varie nazionalità riesce a mettere tutti a proprio agio, grazie anche al fatto che conosce alla perfezione 6 lingue tra le più parlate al mondo.
SL Communications con il suo staff sono una garanzia della buona riuscita dell’evento o fiera.”
— CEO, head of sales
“Sabrina sets very high standards for customer care for herself and her team. Her company was contracted for us in support of an international trade show and she led by example – and her team duly followed. She is multi-lingual in ability and has immense cultural sensitivity by nature. That cultural sensitivity and awareness is something that she ensures is present not only in herself, but also in the people she employs.
In any contractual arrangement there are things that you expect to be fulfilled as part of the job. What is exceptional from Sabrina is the ability to see beyond and around the ‘that’s my job’ aspect of the role. Her intuitive support ‘above and beyond’ truly enabled me to fulfill the sales tasks that were at hand with a notably positive impact on results. Sabrina’s understanding of the sales process and the ‘people buy from people’ makes her a fantastic ally to have on-side.
I would recommend Sabrina both as someone to work with and also someone to provide strong, and I suspect inspirational, leadership to a team under her management.”
— Professional audio, head of EMEA sales
“Sabrina è per noi la tranquillità che tutto andrà bene, conosciamo la passione e dedizione che la contraddistinguono
Andare in fiera a visitare i nostri fornitori ed a ricevere i nostri clienti e sapere che alcune aziende espositrici sono seguite da SL Communication per noi è il plus che sappiamo di poter offrire ai nostri clienti che vengono gestiti in modo professionale ma amichevole che li fa subito sentire a proprio agio e i rapporti commerciali ne beneficiano.
Sabrina e tutto il suo team sono una cosa unica e da chiunque di loro trovi sempre la stessa situazione di professionalità e per qualsiasi esigenza o problema c’è sempre lei, Sabrina, che vede e provvede.
SL Communication si contraddistingue per l’atmosfera che crea, ed attendiamo la prossima occasione per poter di nuovo avere la collaborazione di Sabrina e del suo staff.”
— Head of marketing
“Sabrina has a natural talent to bring people together to get the best out of a project she manages. She is collaborative and collegiate and strives to find the best outcome in what she does.
Very few people have I worked with, in my 25 years working in media, B2B and the commercial world, have I met someone with such devotion and attention to detail.
The end result of her work is tremendous and no doubt the envy of the competition. Executed to a standard that is above professional; I often wonder how she has the time and energy to achieve it. But Sabrina does.
In addition to her project management skills, her product and market knowledge and her astute business acumen, Sabrina is a genuine pleasure to work with. Inspirational in her thinking, selflessly helping others, Sabrina is someone whom I hope to work and partner with for many years to come!”
— Director of sales